Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"In This Economy..." Just Keep Your Money Stashed In Your Mattress...
Check out this nifty wallet! It's the perfect solution for those of you who don't trust the stock market... Who want to keep your money stashed in your mattress... Except this mattress is portable... Perfect way to carry cash, probably not the best place for a hook up....

Get yours here!

Thanks for tuning in...



SILVEREYE Series, Photo by Guido Argentini

Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm Going To Be A True American And Take Them And Get Them Happy Meals...
I am sure that most of you have heard about the controversy over Obama speaking to young students... Here are two clips that came out of this. The first is an actual clip from CNN and the second is a parody of that... Enjoy!

Thanks for tuning in...
