Today in my writing class we discussed an article about grading and it's importance or lack there of. The writer stated that "grades are evil" and talked about reasons he thought so. For those that do not know, Hampshire College (Amherst, MA) does not have a grading system; rather students have a series of evaluations. They are also given "tests" that consists of critical thinking questions such as "What have you learned so far in this course?" The topic of grades and whether or not higher education institutions should use them had been on the table for quite some time. Some people on the class were in favor of grades and believed that they serve the same purpose as an evaluation.
Here is my argument.
'The culture of grades has seen a shift in the past several decades. Grades have now become more of a "reward" than a method of evaluating.'
What I mean by this is that many students are trying so hard to get that 'A' because it is the ultimate reward in academia. However, the ultimate rewards is and always has been the actual education you receive. Knowledge is the true reward, not that we received a 'good grade.'
I am and have always been for a better system to evaluate student work. Receiving an 'A' does not prove anything. I have been in numerous classes where I received As, but did not learn much. I cannot recite the important dates and facts, but still I got an A. Now on paper, someone cannot know whether or not I have gained knowledge from a certain class or subject just by looking at my grades. But if that person has an evaluation, written by the professor, about my progress in a particular class or subject, then they would have a better understanding of what I have learned.
Another issue I have with grades is the level of inconsistency amongst professors. While I understand that we are all different and see things through our own lenses, we need to work towards a system that is more fair for all students. If I do not test well, is it fair for me to have a worse grade than the person next to me who is a great test taker? Even if I can better explain the concepts and the key points of the subject material in the "real world." Is it fair that I go to class everyday and the student that never goes to class gets a better grade because they cheat? These are all things that happen on a regular basis and are things that affect students deeply.
Evaluation of our work is something personal and something that we really 'take to heart.' It is something that we care about and it can affects us in a lot of ways.
What do you think is a better solution for this issue? Do you think that letter grades 'work?' Do you think that evaluations are more helpful and more accurate to the students work and level of knowledge?

Thanks for tuning in...
Labels: grades, Hampshire College