Earlier this evening I had a couple of interesting conversations with some fellow RAs (as we usually do in the office) and I thought I'd share them with you all.
*** Steven Spielberg & Amy Irving -- $100 million
*** Neil Diamond & Marcia Murphey -- $150 million
*** Michael & Juanita Jordan-- $150+ million
The other conversation that I wanted to discuss and one that has many opinions associated with it, is the "controversial" photo of Michael Phelps which cost him a sponsor; KELLOGG'S... In my opinion, I think that the penalty was a bit much... I understand why Kellogg's may do it, but the man apologize sincerely and admitted to being wrong... Kellogg's did it to maintain a "clean image," being a family brand and all... However I find some contradictions in the their tactics... How is it that they are willing to drop Michael Phelps for smoking marijuana, but continue to sponsor people who endorse alcohol and tobacco? For example, NASCAR drivers... You could be driving the #5 which has the famous Tony the Tiger on the hood, but also has a Coors Light logo on the side...
Now I know it's not exactly the same, this particular driver isn't drinking a beer, but in my opinion, drinking it or not you are still endorsing it; you still think that it is ok to drink... And yea, I FULLY understand that alcohol is "legal" to drink if you are older than 21, but that doesn't stop teens from drinking... I think if Kellogg's is trying to send a message, they should send a CLEAR one... If you are going to drop someone for sending an image that you don't agree with, one that involves the use of drugs, then alcohol, tobacco, all these things should be considered....
I gathered up some stats on the causes of death in the country and you probably won't be surprised by the leading cause... Here it is:
1) Tobacco - 435,000
2) Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity - 365,000
3) Alcohol - 85,000
4) Microbial Agents - 75,000
5) Toxic Agents - 55,000
6) Motor Vehicle Crashes - 26,347
7) Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs - 32,000
8) Suicide - 30,622
9) Incidents Involving Firearms - 29,000
10) Homicide - 20,308
11) Sexual Behaviors - 20,000
12) All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect - 17,0001
13) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin - 7,600
14) Marijuana - 0
Now I may not be the smartest person, but I'm almost certain that is a "0" next to "Marijuana..." This is my beef with Kellogg's, instead of dropping someone for indulging in some "inappropriate" behavior, drop those that also endorse 2 of the top 3 leaders in causes of deaths in the country... Send a message, but send a clear one... Just because alcohol and tobacco are "legal" in the U.S. (for reasons that benefit the gov't... Post coming soon) doesn't make them "ok..."
Again these are my opinions and thoughts... I could be crazy, maybe I make sense... Check out this video of the thoughts around the UMass campus on the Phelp's controversy...
But Thanks for Tuning In...