One of my favorite things of New Orleans is the rich culture of the Arts... There is art everywhere you look... Whether it's a gallery or just the architecture of a building... It is truly a beautiful thing...
For this series of "media posts" that I plan on sharing with you all I will start with the pictures of the Streetcars that are placed all over New Orleans... They are more or less sculptures of the famous streetcar (a main way of transportation, similar to the "T" in Boston)... These things were everywhere and I did not get a chance to take pictures of all of them because it did not occur to me how cool they were until the middle of the week... They just represent everything about New Orleans... The arts, the food, the people... Check them out! (Some of the pics are of the same cart, just the other side...)
Welcome!!! (on Canal St.)
Here is Jess on a cart in front of the Audubon Park... Across the street from Loyola and Tulane!
The "gambling" cart in front of the casino of course...
This one is cool... A Mardigras cart...

Jazzin' it...

What's New Orleans without Hot Sauce?

This one pretty much says it all...
This is my favorite! It was inside a building... Seemed so out of place... But it looks so cool!
Well there you go... There were other carts that I know I missed... But you get the idea...
More pics to come soon!
Thanks for tuning in...
Labels: new orleans, Spring break, streetcars