Pay it forward.... The other day I was watching the movie, "Pay It Forward..." I'm sure a lot of you out there have seen it... I guess it's sort of a classic for some people... It wasn't the first time I had seen it, but the first time in a long time... For those that haven't seen the movie, it is about a young boy who takes an assignment given by his teacher to the next level... The "pay it forward" movement is when one individual does one nice thing for three people and in return, those 3 people do something nice for 3 people and so on and so on.... (As shown in the diagram above)
It was funny that this movie was one because my
pops had recently blogged about this topic as well...
So I challenge you all to keep the movement going... By doing anything you can for someone to lighten up their day... Especially in the difficult times that we are all facing... Compliment somebody whether or not you know them, lend a helping hand, whatever you can do... Just contribute to making a difference...
Thanks for tuning in...