Thursday, June 10, 2010
When Is Someone 'Wrong?'
When is someone wrong? This is a question that I have had many debates over... It is one that brings forth all of our beliefs and morals. But is that fair? Can we determine whether or not someone is truly wrong by judging them using our own moral codes?

Far too often, this conversation comes up when discussing religion. It is always a heated topic. You know... You always have the people who believe in 'God' and follow the bible that think abortion is wrong. Those who don't follow a religion and think that those that do, are wrong for doing so. People are always thinking that someone is wrong for doing something. It is almost as if we have to in order to stand by our own morals and beliefs. But is that true? Why can't we just 'agree to disagree?' But is that even the best approach?

For myself, I have decided that I will no longer think people are wrong. I do not even want to 'agree to disagree...' I want to learn. I think that society has become such an individualistic place, that we can no longer think about others... We seem to only think that what we think is right. We are trained to do so... Schools have almost eliminated critical thinking... Debates and discussion on 'touchy subjects' have become taboo. But why? Why not foster discussion and debate. It is the ONLY way we can learn from each other. If we simply agree on everything, our thoughts are never challenged, which means they are never strengthened.

This is why I have worked on taking this new stance. I want to understand WHY someone feels the way they do about something. WHY they believe in something. Why they don't believe in something. I don't just want to know your POV, I want to know how you arrived at that point. I want to know because I need to know. I want to learn about you, so I can learn about myself. Then, and only then, can I truly learn and progress as an individual.

Now this doesn't happen all the time. I still find myself pushing my idea(s) sometimes... But I try to challenge myself and now I'm putting the challenge out to everyone, to really try to put yourself in someone's shoes and think about why it is that they believe/think/do what they do... Before we label them as wrong.

This is by no means an easy thing to do... Our morals and beliefs often make up the foundation of our lives; but if we do not try to understand others on a level that goes deeper than the surface, how can we truly learn about each other? How can we progress as a people and not just as a person.

Now you may not agree with any of what is written above... But I ask that you just think about the following statement:

"Without knowing someone's ENTIRE story, we cannot say that they are 'wrong' in anything they do. It is simply unfair to do so." Jose Cotto

*(While I do agree with everything I wrote above, note that I also believe there is a difference between someone breaking a rule/law and someone being wrong. The two need to be seen independent from one another because rules/laws are socially constructed.)

(Any questions/comments? Feel free to leave some and start a conversation.)

Thanks for tuning in...


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