I recently came across this poem while going through my documents. It was a piece that I wrote for an education class that I took a few semesters ago. It was an education class based on the work of a middle and high school teacher, primarily focused on teaching in an urban/public school system. This was a piece that while writing, gave me an opportunity to reflect on my journey through education and the few teachers that I truly felt wanted to see me succeed in all that I wanted to do. There were very few. Think, 13 years in public school prior to attending college and I could honestly only think of 5 or 6 teachers that really pushed me. That challenged me. That didn't write me off because I was an inner city kid, whose life was set up for failure. Thank you to all those that have influenced me in a positive was throughout my life. Having someone believe in you is the only think you need sometimes. To those that want to pursue a career in the field of education, I challenge you to change the status quo of teachers and understand that you are the people who control the future. Enjoy.
And what’s the “right” approach?
Is it “preaching” information that a group of people wrote?
Is it writing on the board,
While your back is to the class?
Is it handing out “free” grades, so that all your students pass?
Because that would make you look good, when those people look at stats…
But you never reached a student…
And you can never get them back.
See a lot of teachers take this road, and let students get on by…
Now I’m sitting here just wondering…
Asking myself, WHY?
Why someone with so much power, Would leave these students out dry…
Like a raisin in the sun…
A dream deferred, a dream just dies.
Teachers have the power, to make a difference, change a life,
So as you think of teaching, please, just think it over twice.
There are two paths to head down…
One is left the other right…
Go LEFT, and you keep the cycle going…
But you’ll be hurting our society because the future won’t be growing…
Go RIGHT, and accept responsibility to help students succeed.
And this process merely starts, by planting knowledge seeds….
So keep an open mind…
Understand what students bring…
Don’t expect for them to lose. Challenge them to win!
Push them to the limits, Show them that you care,
Because and unjust education, Simply isn't fair.
Trust me,
I've been there, a student needing help...
And when that one teacher reached,
It was the greatest thing I felt.
Someone saw the greatness, That deep down I possessed,
Taught me about life,
And how I could progress.
This teacher made a difference. She pushed me hard to see,
That I had all the tools I needed,
I was set up to succeed.
The title of this poem, was something that I once saw on a rock that one of the few great teachers I know had on her desk. I later used that quote for a thank you plaque myself and some friends got for the one teacher that changed most of our lives, Linda Kaufman. It sounds so cliche, but it is true, education is the key to our futures. It is up to us to keep giving people the tools needed to open doors.

(Me and Mrs. Kaufman on the night of my senior prom in 07')
Thanks for tuning in,
Labels: Education, Jose Cotto, Poetry, what is teaching